Jul 3, 2011

How to enable mod_rewrite in centos via SSH

This is a very simple question, but for beginners it is little bit difficult,
Now assuming that everything is installed, open the httpd conf file and start editing it,

You can find this file in


or directly edit it

[php]vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf[/php]
in this file search for Directory "/var/www/html" this can be on line 290-320

You will find a line of code, just like below

[php]AllowOveride None[/php]

Just change it to


Save it, and exit, mod_rewrite is enabled on your server.


  1. [...] + Google + WebTutorial httpd, linux, server, web, web serverapache, centos, configuration, howto, httpd, linux, server [...]

  2. Thanks for the help ... you have a typo AllowOverideAll should be AllowOverride All

  3. Thanks for this! Was a helpful quick tip today.
