Always I wondered to display youtube videos below my posts or for some other purpose. But always had to use some plugins or some complicated scripts. So finally coded for you people a small function which will fetch or scrape youtube videos through GDATA RSS.
$search = 'linkinpark';//Search Term
$file = file_get_contents(''.$search.'&client=ytapi-youtube-search&v=2');
$rss = new SimpleXMLElement($file);
$limit = '10'; //Videos Limit to display
$ctr = '0';
foreach($rss->entry as $idx => $key)
if($ctr == $limit)
echo '<div id="video">';
echo '<p class="title">'.$key->title.'</p>';
echo '<p class="video">'.$key->content.'</p>';
echo '</div>';
My idea behind getting the videos is first to fetch the entire contents of the GDATA RSS page using file_get_contents
After storing the RSS into a file as a string, we will convert it into proper XML using SimpleXMLElement
We store this XML version into a variable which consists of arrays and objects.
Finally we bring the foreach and break down the array into pieces. Thats it. Go and test it yourself.
This function is the basic version, I am sure you can modify it and make more flexible.
can you help how to get youtube description, rating and view ?
ReplyDeletejust play with XML, you'll come to know, its really simple