Jul 15, 2011

Wordpress Twenty Eleven Theme sidebar on Pages and Posts

Recently I added a post on how to add a sidebar on single(posts-page) or single.php

So today I am with one more child theme which will add sidebar on page.php i.e. pages also

So just download and install this child theme. This new child theme will enable the sidebar on page.php and also on single.php page.



  1. [...] Please Download the new Child Theme, which Activates Sidebar on Posts and also on Pages [...]

  2. Thank you, thank you! Saved me a lot of time :-)

  3. I must have missed something....downloaded and installed, but still don't get any sidebar when I use
    the static front page!?!?
    How and where is it controlled?


  4. I'm new at this so forgive me... I downloaded the theme but how do I install it?

  5. NM. Figured it out. Looks great! Thx man.

  6. @klasg – Add the code from functions.php that you have downloaded now to function.php containing in your twentyeleven theme Folder.

    Now copy and replace the files page.php and single.php from your twentyeleven theme folder.
    Thats it you just have to make this changes.

    Also let me know if you have any trouble regarding twentyeleven theme.


  7. The theme which you have downloaded will be in a zip format. You just have to go to your dashboard - Appearance - Themes - Install themes
    Now go to upload and browse for the file you just downloaded .

    Wiola...!!!!....Activate and njoy.


  8. @klasg if you have not updated your wordpress version , I think you should update it to 3.2.1 and make changes as I have mentioned in my comment earlier.


  9. @Leroy, thanks!
    I have WP 3.2.1 already installed.
    I guess that I need access to the WP folders on
    the server to do what you tell me!?
    I can't see in the WP dashboard any way to reach
    the files.....
    Right now I don't have that access to the server....


  10. @klasg - thanks for replaying back. As you mentioned you don't have the access to your server right now , then how did you update your wordpress 3.2.1.??. Its obvious that if you have updated your Wordpress then you have access to your server. Please provide me with more details so that I can help you.


  11. What I mean is that I don't have access to the files on the server.
    Update is done from the WP dashboard.


  12. Download the zip child theme, upload it to your website through dashboard, make sure that first you have twenty eleven theme activated, if yes, then activate the new child theme, I am sure it will display the sidebar,
    If not then , try mail me your site details.

  13. Hi!
    Downloaded - OK
    Uploaded - OK
    Activate - how? I don't see it anywhere....
    20-11 is activated and running, I will give you the URL.
    What is your e-mail? Or do I use the "contact us" on this site?


  14. email me on this ID

  15. @klasg
    You can check your site, now
    Its working.
    Sidebar is displayed on posts, as well as on pages

    Happy Coding :)

  16. Thanks, works perfectly now!! :-)


  17. Hi. Just want to thank you for posting this and providing your child theme for download -- will save me a lot of work, especially for getting a sidebar on single posts. Very appreciated!

    I am a bit puzzled about one thing, though, and maybe you can explain it. (I'm still learning php and WordPress.) I see that Twenty Eleven includes a template, "Sidebar Template Page Template (sidebar-page.php) A Page Template that adds a sidebar to pages". I haven't tried it out, but was wondering if this template provides the sidebar for pages. I'm not sure if I understand it from looking at the code.

    Thank you!

  18. Hey you are most welcome, the original twenty eleven theme provides the sidebar but only for pages like home and archive, it was not designed to have to have sidebar on pages and single posts, but with the help of this child theme you can get it back.

  19. thank you :)

  20. Sidebar on articels/pages was the only thing I was missing for Twenty Eleven... Great Download, saved me some time for my store blog!

  21. Wow! I've been looking for this these past days. Thanks! Already voted a plus for this post knowing it's gonna work well. :-)

  22. Big Thx for the great job bro...just try it and it really works...warmest regards

  23. I was wondering if you guys could help me out on the header. Is it possible to change the 1000 x 288 pixel ratio? As you can see if you check my header out (railroadhiphop.com) it's huge! I'd like it to be a bit smaller... but when I go to change the size in gimp and upload it on wordpress it keeps asking me to crop it (and wont allow the full image). Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks. -J

  24. There is now a plug-in that changes the dimensions of your header image called "Resize Twenty Eleven Header" by Dalton Rooney. Once it is installed you can change the dimensions under the Appearance tab -- look for "resize header".

    Take a look at my website to see it in action.

  25. Thank you so much for the child theme. I had changed my original template but was a bit twitchy about what would happen if there was an update. Now I think I'm all set except I'm not too sure if I need to update my font changes in the child theme so they remain if the parent is updated?

  26. Ok I'll try that out right now. Your logo is awesome! What is it?? lol. Thanks much!

  27. you can change your font through editing style. css file either of
    childs theme or the main theme but be sure that you dont have
    same styling with different values, cause child theme inherits
    the parent theme, better you edit the css in the childs css file.
    that will be much safer

  28. Thankyou so much for all your help. i love the new Twenty eleven theme and thanks for the child theme to get the sidebar. i am building this site in it now http://www.marqueehireauckland.net.nz/

    Thanks Really appreciate your help. the sidebar was giving me a headache!! cheers

  29. Hi Loving the theme. is there a way to get the height of the theme reduced i.e the large black area at the top of the page above the header on the following site made smaller so the header is closer to the top of the page please.. http://www.marqueehireauckland.net.nz/

    many thanks

  30. Yes you can do that,
    Just goto style.css and find a css style with ID as #branding hgroup inside that margin will be there, just change the top margin value to the desired one.
    If any further doubts then feel free to ask

  31. Many Thanks. i just tried that in the parent theme (not the child) and got this message The requested theme does not exist.

    Then from now i cannot locate the text #branding hgroup . I just relogged back in and can not see it again. I did see it the first time but could not update

  32. Just follow these steps

    Goto dashboard>appearance> deactivate child theme
    Activate twenty Eleven theme

    Again activate child theme,
    This will bring everything back as it was, and then try to edit your style.css file

    If still not getting, then just email me your admin details, I ll fix it for you(you have my email ID)

  33. Thanks i will try. I just emailed you as i have found something for you with my software that should help you. Cheers Craig

  34. Cheers I just tried that but the sylesheet is still completely empty so we can sort out tomorrow no problem. Thanks for your help

  35. About the author box issue, I fidex it by correcting the last line in the child stylesheet. 

    Changed:padding: 20px 35.4%;With:padding: 20px;

  36. @fa4ef866c42db81a88b0664896a88133:disqus  Thanks for the update.

  37. Great. i’m currently creating a child theme of twenty eleven and this is a big help for me. Thanks…

  38. Hi, if I use this child theme is this going to mess up the changes i've already made

  39. No it wont effect the child theme will just overide th current theme, and if any how smthing goes wrong then no need to worry because you just need to deactivate the child theme then everything will set back to normal

  40. Fgbuenavista7/2/12 5:10 PM

    need help here, our blog pages load without the templates? any hints?
    our structure...
    themes folder has this entries

    Hope somebody can help us here.

    Thanks a lot

  41. Can yuou post the linkhere so that I can check it

  42. AmericanDream1223/4/12 11:00 AM

    Thank you so much!!! Spent hours searching to solve that problem and with your download..voila. Solved in 2 minutes..we need more nice human beings like you. Thank you :-)

  43. Thank you very much!!!

  44. Vagabondmom120/5/12 2:07 AM

    Help!  I cannot get this to work...I just get a file folder, no files will open.  And I don't know how to get this onto my blog anyway...can someone help me?  Thank you!

  45. You need to learn what is child theme and how to install it. Just go through this doc http://codex.wordpress.org/Child_Themes

  46. Beaver_man5/6/12 6:07 AM

    Hi Ntechi, Thanks for this child theme, it does just what i need it to do. Only one question, i seem to only have one post showing on posts page now. Everytime i add a new post it makes the previous one vanish. Any thoughts on what might cause this?

  47. [...] Lösung bietet ein abgeandeltes “Twenty-Eleven”, das Nutzer hier herunterladen können. Das “Twenty-Eleven-Child” lässt die Sidebar auf allen Seiten zu. Das Theme muss heruntergelden und dann über das Theme-Menü von WordPress vom Speicherort [...]

  48. Thanks for your efforts. Much appreciated and a big time-saver.

  49. MagicByLeah28/7/12 4:35 AM

    Thank you so much, I was starting to lose my mind with trying to figure out the code, but I simply copied your snippets into my theme and just like that, problem solved!!
    Thank you
    (It only lets me give you 2 stars, not sure if more is possible but I wanted to give 5/5)

  50. gregory smith5/8/12 10:41 PM

    Thanks for the awesome Wordpress theme. Looks fine to me. Dunno why so may people are having all these problems.

  51. its working but i want change direction becose my website is in arabic, and i have a arabic version wordpress 4.1, how do ti please?

  52. Dmitry Gordienko29/9/12 7:51 PM

    Thank you so much! I have looking this solution for so long and finally found!!!

  53. Hi all, I am very new to wordpress. And need help.

    I installed F8 Lite theme and created a child theme, with a new style.css. After I activated the child theme I couldn't access my blog nor the wp-admin.

    Can anyone help me in this case?

  54. Thank you`17/2/13 3:34 AM

    Thank you for this great shit which is not working

  55. Sharon@CarolDrive11/4/13 11:25 AM

    This was just what I was looking for! It's works flawlessly. Thank you so much!!

  56. Cynthia Lockley29/7/13 12:35 PM

    Thank you so much for this fix! I've spent hours trying to get posts to have a sidebar while leaving The Events Calendar pages without one. This fixes everything.
