Jun 29, 2011

Warning: Missing required field "entry-title" | Missing required field "updated". | Missing required hCard "author".

Warning: Missing required field "entry-title" | Missing required field "updated". | Missing required hCard "author".
Warning: Missing required field "entry-title".
Warning: Missing required field "updated".
Warning: Missing required hCard "author".

Are you facing these errors while checking your rich snippets microformat?

Just add these following codes to your respective file and lines:-
For entry title:

[php]<h1 class="entry-title"><?php the_title();  ?></h1>[/php]
For update:
[php]<h2 class="updated"><?php the_date();?></h2>[/php]

For hcard author:
[php]Author:<p class="author"><span><?php the_author(); ?></span></p>[/php]

The above solution is for wordpress, for custom sites, just replace the code with your own code, like the_title will be replace with your page title etc.

Done, now you will see no warnings in testing your webpage on rich snippets testing tool


  1. Shahrul Hasanal27/10/11 6:35 AM

    Hi dude. How with blogspot? im warning for "Update" and "Hcard" on snippet. What means that?

  2. Niraj Chauhan27/10/11 4:51 PM

    These warnings are the micro formats warning, You need to solve them if you want that google picks your micro formatted site.

  3. Shahrul Hasanal10/11/11 3:45 PM

    Thanks. Im done mark up my profile and microformat.. :)

  4. Great. Happy to help :)

  5. The snippet tool is always giving those warning even for many editing trial.

  6. What warnings is it giving you? And what CMS or framework are you using for your website? Did you tried the above solution?

  7. the updated warning they said Missing required field “updated” at the bottom of label link. any help?

  8. Kunal Fever30/12/11 4:51 AM

    how to remove update warning for blogspot  plz help me

  9. For blogspot you need to do the same

  10. @3b30bfc9e45aa8709b498642cb1413b1:disqus  please try the updated code, it will work for sure

  11. This is so frustrating - I cant seem to fix this error for my self hosted WP blog!

  12. whats the error? can you give me a description

  13. Where do i need to place the code (in wordpress)? In what file in the editor and where in the file?

  14. you ll need to edit in the themes editor section, the file may depend on the theme, but I guess you need to edit single.php file, and add the above code in it at appropriate place

  15. Google is returning the warning you are mentioning but i have confirmed using googles tool that rich snippets is indeed working but it does not show in google results.

  16. Not same with wordpress strucrture dude...

    Put this code after Title Post + before Content Post ( Put via HTML Template )

  17. no idea for this, but my site is also in wordpress I have fixed it, and one more thing these errors doesn't mean that you won't get snippets on google, I am still having author error but still my snippets is been shown on google.

  18. Frustrating that there is no solution from Google on this - they simply say "oh look you have errors on your website, that's bad."  No suggestions for what to do.  Search on Goolge and you say many confused people wondering what to do. 

    I think it's an over reaction from Google and probably not worth worrying about.

  19. So true Ntechi, those errors doesn't have any inpact on your G+ display. I don't know why folks are that concerned

  20. Finally i got Google authorship . Thanks to u admin .. hurraaayy

  21. really useful... thank you! :-)

  22. Thanks for post. finally i got it done.

  23. Thanks it really helped me...
    job done

  24. i have pasted the code beside   in single.php, but don' work.

  25. Tanks, thanks, thanks............, i have to change my theme, but no tension, i got the solution.

  26. I have searching for the respective files in atahualpa theme and i cant find them,Direct me please

  27. respective file and lines-- don't understand?/ Where? Help please

  28. Colin Crawford8/2/13 2:25 AM

    I modified the code to include the classes for twentyeleven in functions.php and it still doesn't work....does it take Google time for the updates?
